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Model: M6002

Availability: In stock (can be backordered)

WakeSurf Edge Pro II Wake Shaper – 9″ x 16″

FATSAC’s large water displacement wing for maximum wave height!

Use with FATSAC water ballast systems. Level load your boat to keep the nose down for the captain’s visibility and a long wake.


  • Patented Concave Water Channeling Wing – Our concave channeling wing surface pushes more water to increase the length of the wave while keeping the face super clean! 
  • Super Strong Suction Cup Attachment – Our 4.5-inch rubber suction cups won’t damage the gel coat or leave black markings on your boat. Easy to adjust on the fly, No ugly Velcro or safety tethers are required.
  • Durable Rust-Free Materials – We Build the WakeSurf Edge with impact-resistant, lite weight glass-filled nylon 6.6. and rust-free stainless steel hardware. Our shaper is long-lasting; won’t rust or stain your boat.
  • Built-In Flotation – Don’t worry about your wake-shaping investment sinking to the bottom. The Wakesurf Edge wing is rotomolded and sealed airtight.

Quick Guid https://productimageserver.com/literature/quickGuide/96926QG.pdf
Weight 7.15 lbs
Dimensions 16 × 13 × 10 in
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Availability: In stock (can be backordered)

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